Please note that the date has changed to MONDAY, May 6th. Everyone is welcome!
Join us in person at Park Terrace's Library (upstairs) or on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 93111913304 | Passcode: 949673
Meet the board, principals, and members as we discuss upcoming events and programs aimed at enriching our scholars' educational experiences. Join us to learn how you can be actively involved in shaping a successful year for our community!
In addition to regular member business, please join us for our annual election of the Executive Committee: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer!
You must be a member to vote. New memberships will be accepted until 5 pm on Monday, May 6th, 2024. Sign up here.
Voting via Zoom will be an option. Your name displayed on Zoom must match your name listed on the membership roll, and your camera must be on the entire meeting to vote.
There are no absentee ballots, you must be present to vote.
May Meeting Agenda
Approval of last month’s minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Principals report
Fundraising Committee
Month of June Classic Auto Car Wash Code
Since last meeting:
Principals Appreciation
Chalk Day
PT Science Fair
Met with Superintendent & Assistant Superintendent
Upcoming events:
Chalk Day: 5/5
Principals Appreciation: 5/1
Staff Appreciation: 5/6-5/10
Field Day T-shirts
Artwork postings at library
Membership/Communication Chair updates
Superintendent to speak on Budget Proposal
Nomination Committee: 2024-2025 Executive Board Election
Open Floor
April Meeting Minutes
Kind of meeting: Regular
Name of Governing Body: Association
Date: 4.9.24
Place: Kingsborough Elementary School
Hour of meeting: 6:08 pm
President in attendance: N/A
Vice President in attendance: Teresa Bushey
Secretary in attendance: N/A
Treasurer in attendance: Melissa Faville Hally
Attendance Count: (21)
Previous Minutes: Approved 3.12.24 Minutes
Treasurers Report:
Wrote 2 checks this month (Sturgess for Chicken BBQ; $3,200 and 4th grade field trip to Arterial Lanes for $1,650)
Currently have $28,663.54 in the account
Going to be paying out for more field trips
$4,000 for the scholarship fund
$10,000-$12,000 for Field Day T-shirts
Reports of the officers, executive committee, executive board, standing committees & special committees:
Principals Report:
Excellent Spirit Week
Focus after break will be state testing
ELA= next week
Math= 4/30 & 5/1 for 5th graders
Science Assessment on 5/14
Continued partnership with Valerie from the library to schedule future events
Lots of focus around getting back to the basics and ensuring there is a good environ both in and out of school
Finishing up Read for Ronald Mcdonald House ($2,709 raised)
All students who participated get a can of silly string and spray the principal
Attendance has increased by 1%
Spring Events coming up…one being Ice Cream Social and bringing back the science fair….Self esteem STEM assembly coming up
Field Day June 13th
Fundraising committee
Chicken BBQ
Thank you to all the volunteers that supports with such poor weather
Sold 422 pre-sale and 57 drive ups
Made $2,850
Open donations which helped up raise almost $4,000 on the event total
Bottle & Can Drive
Can & Bottle Redemption Center in Gloversville can take donated cans & bottles for us
We got invited to join a STEM event at PT joined by KB to handout stem kits and promote ourselves to the families to join
Chalk out Event 5/5 to prepare for staff appreciation week
Staff Appreciation Week 5/6-5/10….looking to have this funded fully by donations
Membership/Communications Chair
Up to 102 members and still growing steadily
A lot more facebook followers and having others share out page and we are doing the same with others
Collecting eclipse glasses to ensure they have proper disposal
Nomination Committee
Met on 4/3 to prepare for the 5/6 election
Must be a member to vote
No current absentee ballots
Must be present in person or on zoom to vote
Still in flight
Working with library on displays of t-shirt context art….need to laminate and get them over to the library
Looking at past years financials to see spending habits to help get funds back to where they need to be
In 2019, the PTA brought in $80,000 and spent $68,000 and would love to get back to that point
Working on a team building event where we could hand out bike helmets and partner with the local police department to come in….still working on a date
Bonnie: Director of Glove City Coalition
In 5th year as being a drug free community group and their mission is to reduce substance use in Gloversville
Vaping is a big concern in young people along with smoking marijuana
Most kids have stated on surveys that they are getting these items from their home followed by their parent’s permission or at a friend’s home
Have found that students in the 5th grade are experimenting which is why it is important to educate parents of elementary scholars
Inviting parents to engage in things like the parents café that is the first Monday of every month at the library
Have a grant to put on a Fulton county youth day 7/17 from 11-3 at rail station park
Hour of adjournment: 6:51 PM