Please join us at our next meeting on Tuesday, March 12th at 6pm in the Boulevard Library to help be a part of shaping the new vision for the future of our PTA.
All are welcome! You do not need to be a member to attend a meeting.
Save the dates for upcoming meetings: Apr 9, May 14.
Become a member today at
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Meeting ID: 947 1024 2114
Passcode: 246069
Meeting Agenda
Approval of last month’s minutes
Treasurer's Report
Principals' Reports
New partnerships
Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent
Director of Public Relations & Communications
Our Mayor
Potential Grant for the Lincoln Street Project
Ideas from the PTA
Attended staff meetings at all 3 schools
Lashawn Hawkins
The Egg
Glove City Coalition
Gloversville Public Library
Greg Niforos & Valerie Acklin to speak
Field Day T-Shirt Contest Update
Fundraising Committee
Looking for more members and chair
Chicken BBQ (April 5th, 2PM-6PM)
Bottle & Can Drive
Upcoming events
Chalk Day: 5/5
Principals Appreciation: 5/1
Staff Appreciation: 5/6-5/10
Membership/Communication Chair updates
Nomination Committee
Minutes from February meeting
To be approved by member vote March 12th
Kind of meeting: Regular
Name of Governing Body: Association
Date: 2.13.24
Place: Park Terrace Elementary Library
Hour of meeting: 6:05pm
President in attendance: Rebecca Putman
Vice President in attendance: Teresa Bushey
Secretary in attendance: Sarah Pillo
Treasurer in attendance: Melissa Faville Hally
Attendance Count: 23
Previous Minutes: N/A
Treasurers Report: As of 2.9.24, we have $42,086.45 in the bank
Working with School admin & State around Budget through the end of the year as we do not currently have the funding in the bank for what the PTA has committed to until the end of the year….need more fundraising
Committed to Field Trips (K is done), Field Day T-Shirts, Support for field day, Scholarship
Reading of the communications:
Hospitality Brigade event for making 250 Valentines for all Elementary teachers and staff went well
Field day t-shirt design contest still going on until 3.1.24… to occur on 3.12.24
Looking to create a nominations committee and a fundraising committee
Reports of the officers, executive committee, executive board, standing committees & special committees:
Audit Committee: Completed on 1.13.24 by Greg Niforos, Sarah Pillo, & Melissa Faville Hally
Did not have required documentation to complete the audit
Secretary requested bank statements for the committee since the Treasurer gave nothing
Gave a list of recommendations for moving forward
Need 2 more volunteers for this committee
Membership Chair report:
84 members currently, 12 of which are new since the last meeting
Looking into having parent & teacher reps. For each building
Programs for membership….bring a friend to the next meeting & table set up at events
Principals Report:
All 3 showed great results for their mid-year bench mark data in support of the WIND (What I Need) Model which supports students at all levels
Winter Break 2.19-2.23
Ronald McDonald Fundraiser after break
St. Patrick’s Day parade….date TBD
Asked PTA to help spread the word on importance of attendance
Coming to school at the Elementary level builds the foundation and missing a day is like missing a block in the foundation
5th grade working with dance company on ARTS Residency at BV….Performance was put on 2.12 for everyone
5th grade chorus presented in all county
BV partnering with SPAC Orchestra for the 4th & 5th grade students and all students get free seats at SPAC to see the show
All Motions:
Sarah Pillo nominated Megan Simonds as chair of the Fundraising committee….to be revisited at next meeting
Program Topic, names of participants, and important points covered:
Glove City Coalition Events:
Monthly program sponsored by Library & School District
Every Monday at 5:30pm at the parent café in the library
Open conversation giving parents a time to connect on various topics
Snacks & activities for the children while parents chat
Winterfest on 2.22 @ 3pm at the library
Story time, craft time, etc.
Executive Board meeting with Superintendent on 2.29 @ 11:15 to align on goals
Promotion of District Mobile App
Hour of adjournment: 6:49pm